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Atari releasing giftable "surprise" NFT lootboxes to celebrate 50th anniversary
Giftable Atari NFTs are being released for the company's 50th anniversary. Produced by Republic Realm, active developers in the metaverse and NFT ecosystem, the "GFTs" are giftable NFTs that "unwrap" on a specific date with a "surprise" inside. There are 10 GFTs available in the Atari collection inspired by its 50 years in the gaming industry, with some more rare than others.

Trane Technologies celebrates 25th anniversary, set to hire new employees
“We’ve been here 25 years, so this milestone is a testament to the great city of Lynn Haven,” said Plant Manager Dan Hagan. Hagan said this anniversary celebration is one way to honor the company’s 700 employees. They’re also looking to fill about 70 more positions. “If you have skill-sets in manufacturing and you’re looking for a different career option than manufacturing, we do also have a direct hire program,” said Hagan.

Asahi Intecc : Company 45th Anniversary Movie Completion
We created an anniversary movie in collaboration with all employees all over the world, with the anniversary song that created by MONKEY MAJIK, a pop rock band formed in Japan. Due to coronavirus, communication between employees and bases has been limited and opportunities to feel a sense of unity have diminished. In light of this situation, we created this movie with our employees from around the world to foster a sense of unity within the companies.

Medialease celebrates twentieth anniversary in business
At the end of 2021, following a period of exceptional growth Medialease had its best three quarters ever which seemed fitting for the company’s twentieth year. When the business first started it was just the MD Paul Robson on his own and now the team has grown to ten. Last year it grew further, and Robson brought in Paul Donkin as business development director to support increased growth and meet the growing ambitions of the business.

HNI Corporation Celebrates 75th Anniversary
HNI Corporation, a leading manufacturer of workplace furnishings and residential building products, announces its 75th anniversary. Founded in 1947 in Muscatine, Iowa by visionaries C. Maxwell Stanley, Clement Hanson, and H. Wood Miller, HNI opened its doors under a new premise where everyone would be treated equally and respectfully as members and owners of a productive industrial enterprise. First known as Home-O-Nize Co., the corporation began production as a maker of home appliances, with initial success driven by aluminum card file boxes marketed primarily as recipe boxes.

Apple iPhone Anniversary: The Smartphone That Transformed A $73 Billion Company into $3 Trillion Tech Behemoth In Just 15 Years
January 9, 2022, marks 15 years since Steve Jobs, former Apple CEO, took the stage at San Francisco’s Macworld Expo and presented the iPhone to the world. Little did anyone present in the hall know that the device was here to redefine the smartphone industry, forever. Although the original iPhone was tiny with a 3.5-inch LCD screen, a simple Home button and thick bezels, a Samsung processor, and a 2-megapixel camera, it was still a remarkable device and made heads turned.
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