Related Fresh Findings

UK Overhauls Destination Marketing for New Era of Tourism
The UK’s recent announcement that it was overhauling its destination marketing organizations, so-called DMOs, with a “radical restructuring” shows a new emphasis on sustainability and community engagement.

Rajasthan govt starts special marketing, branding campaign to boost tourism
In a series of initiatives to boost tourism in the desert state, Rajasthan Tourism has announced the launch of the Rajasthan Film Tourism Promotion Policy 2022. The much-awaited film tourism policy will be launched at the inaugural session of Rajasthan Domestic Travel Mart (RDTM) 2022 to be organised on July 22

Moab’s tourism marketing evolves with strategic partnership
It’s been three years since the “Do it like a Moab local” media movement to manage visitor growth with about a half-million-dollar budget was launched by the Grand County Economic Development Department and the Moab Area Travel Council in collaboration with Love Communication.

Brevard County plans to spend record $9.78 million next year to market its tourism
The Space Coast Office of Tourism plans to spend a record $9.78 million for a wide range of tactics to market the area to tourists during its next budget year. The money to pay for it all will come from the county's 5% tourist development tax levied on people who stay at local hotels, vacation rentals and other short-term rental venues.

Governor will boost Kentucky’s tourism industry by $75 million for destination marketing
“Kentucky is a world-class tourism destination, full of unique experiences that travelers and Kentuckians alike travel far and wide to enjoy,” said Gov. Beshear. “Our tourism industry is critical to our economic success, and now is the time to invest and support our travel partners across the Commonwealth as we see our economy booming and our communities and our people reaping the benefits.”

Turkey and Greece’s Historic Aegean Dispute Flares Up Over Tourism Marketing
Greece and Turkey are sparring again and this time around it is Turkey tourism’s recently-released “TurkAegean” campaign that has riled its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ally.
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