Related Fresh Findings

3 Ways Digital Transformation Drives Growth In Healthcare
The most significant and positive way to address the growth imperative for health systems: Digital innovation. But it’s about much more than simply modernizing infrastructure. Digital innovation must be about fundamentally transforming the health care business model from a consumer perspective.

Are Data Silos Undermining Digital Transformation?
With the global digital transformation market projected to reach $2.8 trillion in 2025, leaders are expediting their transition to digital across their organizations. And as enterprises course-correct and adapt to specific strategies along this journey, they need a sound understanding of their data to drive informed decisions.

Digital Transformation: Don’t build a faster caterpillar!
Dr. George Westerman Principal Research Scientist, J-WEL Workforce and Learning Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management described it best: “when digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar”.

The IBM LinuxOne Driving Sustainability Within Digital Transformation
IBM recently announced the IBM LinuxONE 4 with a focus on sustainability. I believe the IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4 could help companies achieve sustainability and business operations goals.

How Cloud and DevOps work together to accelerate digital transformation
The futuristic approach to digital transformation must ensure responsiveness, scalability, and flexible infrastructure, applications, and data resources. To achieve these, the industry trend will continue to shift towards the cloud for scalability and flexibility and DevOps for business automation.

Here’s The Digital Transformation That Revitalized GE Appliances
What started as a humble benchmarking of the automotive industry in 2015 in a search for better methods in product design and measurement has become a company-wide effort that touches all facets of the business.
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